BumOne Weekly Lottery
Every Sunday, Beginning on January 2, 2022, All Members May Take Part in the BumOne Weekly Lottery
1. Everyone that downloads our app can play for free.
2. Members pick simply pick a six-digit number.
3. Members must submit their number before noon EST, every Saturday.
4. After submitting, kick back and wait to see if you won.
5. We will post the winning six-digit number in the app's blog on Sunday evenings.
6. Chances are high that if you keep playing every week, eventually you win a free prize.
7. ALSO, we will give away extra raffle tickets for customer referrals.
BumOne Lottery Rules
1. To receive your BumOne free lottery tickets, you must download our app.
2. The lottery is open to everyone in the world, over the age of 21.
3. We pick winning on Sunday afternoons using an algorithm to ensure that we select a random number each week.
4. We will announce the winning six-digit number will be announced on Sunday after 6 PM EST.
5. We will post the winning number to the app's blog.
6. Some countries do not allow participation in online raffles (even free to enter raffles). Please confirm that your country permits participation in our raffle.